Friday, October 24, 2008

I had a good title yesterday..

I knew it would be no simple trip to the mechanic to get my tires re-aligned, if you took the time to drive my car would be quickly come to the conclusion that much more than twenty bucks is needed to fix this trash can of a vehicle. I replaced the tires, the brakes and got my oil changed. My old tires were so worn you could see the metal mesh underneath the rubber. Money well spent...About two days ago a local teen Kevin died in a tragic car accident because his two back tires exploded. He was supposed to have gotten them replaced a week pior.
Rest In Peace

I have converted over to a very healthy lifestlye (again). It feels great! To eat good food (to shit good food). I can tell I look healthier, and its exciting because I go to bed not feeling guilty because of the large amount of chocolate I inhaled earlier due to some strange unexplainable cravings but instead content just knowing.. I have to say the only thing I am unconsolably frusterated about it my face. It has broken out, and it hasnt healed. Well it has healed but in a funny way. My achne has moved down my face slowly, starting at my forhead then to my checks and now to my chin. My forhead and cheeks are now zit free! But my chin.. well not so much and they are hurtfully deap. I know its wrong but most of the time Im reasonable about my body because if its not up to my standard I blame it on myself. But with my face.. there is nobody to blame it on, and nothing seems to be fixing it, and its hard. I dont like it.

I now see people with clear skin. It bothers the shit out of me on a bad day.

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