Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Lately I've been working myself to the bone. Well I let everyone think I am but really I just complain a lot. I know I have a lot more push in me yet. I started lifeguard training and I fell in love. When I was younger I said I always wanted to be in boot camp but never in the military. Well I am in a type of a boot camp for lifeguarding. I am in love. Love still hurts, even if it isn't with a person. Not gonna lie I can't raise my arms above my head and I like it. On that same note I have to wake up at 5:30 to get to this lifeguard training place, and well you thought I drove bad before? Thank God most of the world sleeps in on weekends because if they didn't I wouldn't be allowed to drive. I can switch gears fine, never stalled but its the whole staying the lines concept I seem to lack, and you know turning in time, oh and stopping in time. Lately I've gotten into the habit of driving slower.. oh and drinking while I drive. Drinking tea. Its still a big hazard, and you look at my hubs and see that. * I no longer drive on 95 in the morning but I really do appreciate those grids on the side of highways I have used them multiple times to wake up. Now I take A1A were the speed stays at a constant 35 miles per hour for about a half hour, I like it. Its safe..r :]

Today I did something that is my greatest accomplishment to date. Its my greatest accomplishment because I used everything God gave me to complete it. I wrote a letter, it apologetic letter in nature. I was apologizing for my biggest and only regret. For the first time I took the advice of those who love me and did something with it. I can literally see the burden rolling off my back. I'm still not quite sure how things will pan out but I'm positive God has me in his plans, and that this all happened for a reason. I mean God gave me the email three weeks ago, how was I suppose to know I was going to use it. I normally lose everything, how come I didnt lose this? This is just another example of the omni-God I love. The more I think about it the more I praise him.

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