Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Its Wednesday again. Are you serious? AGAIN? How many of these Wednesday's do I have to live through? How many mornings to I have to wake up and say "Oh wow what a surprise its a Wednesday"... Today I really would have liked to wake up and say "WOW a Grawday!"

Definition of Wednesday

Wednesday, wenz day, noun.

Anglo Saxon -- Wodnesdaeg meaning of Woden's day or Odin's day

1. The fourth day of the week.

2. From the Christian Calendar derived from the Gregorian Calendar".

3. Wednesday is hump day.

Inside my false cheery exterior is me. I live breath and eat and then I sleep a whole lot; and I still can't seem to get rid of these horrid dark circles underneath my eyes. I know this sounds slightly depressing and it is. I can't seem to find the energy to force myself to do laundry, and I need to do laundry. I have no clean running clothes. If you wanted to know, my other clothes that do not involve sweat being poured into them at such an alarming speed that it should be a health emergency, are perfectly clean and folded. I really haven't found a need for them well after my self confidence got shot in the face. I think that happened around the time I turned 16 and Im pretty sure it happens to everyone at this age so I dont get any special treatment just because I feel like my legs resemble some form of cottage cheese, that the lower half of my face is covered in purple marks, and maybe my boobs stopped growing in pre-school and happen to be the smallest things around. Just to be clear I hate my hair too.

After running at least 500 miles on my Nikes (Just Fing Do it!) I finally was forced to get new shoes. I dont know if you have ever tried running in shoes that have wrinkles in their soles but its horrible, everything starts to hurt. So I finally went to Running Zone; ALONE. Now I am also blessed with size 11 feet, I'm pretty sure Im actually a 10.5 because half of my shoes are 10's (they pinch) and the other half that are 11's( they are slightly to big). Well the Running Zone attendants who didnt mean to make me feel like a shitty highschool runner let me know I needed a size 11. They also let me know that the old Pegusus Nike shoe that was a size 11 must have run small. They apparently ran out of all the size 11s for this season's Pegusus because now I am the owner of some blue Brooks. I did not say proud owner because even though I can't feel it now, tomorrow when Im running my speed work my left foot is going to smart because my brooks are pinching my forth toe.... I seriously cried after buying those shoes, and if I have to return then Im forcing my mom to step up to plate. She doesnt even know I bought them...I didnt tell her. Not because they cost a day of work but because I hate the way we commuicate.

Yes Im eating...God made it so that if I dont eat I can't run, I eat so I can run.

1 comment:

Rachael Rydbeck said...

First off, I think you are an amazingly talented writer, welcome back to the blogosphere!

Secondly, you are gorgeous. It is possible you are the most beautiful of all of us Irv girls (not sure that is saying a whole ton and don't tell Cindy or Roo), but I think Dad will confirm this one. ;)

And lastly, mom becomes your best friend AFTER you move out. lol

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